Smart Drugs / Nootropics
We have a selection of articles covering brain smart drugs, natural nootropics and more on the topic, including:
- Nootropics andsmart drugsimproving cognitive function in older adults
- Enhance productivity and improve cognitive function with nootropics
- What are nootropics and how do they benefit the body?
- What was Piracetam nootropic originally used for?
Did you know?…
- Smart drugs or nootropics are supplements that can help boost brain performance.
- Nootropics can be used to help improve memory.
- Piracetam was developed over 50 years ago.

Nootropics 101 – What they are and what they do
8 November 2023
Nootropics, often referred to as “smart drugs” or cognitive enhancers, are a class of substances that aim to improve cognitive…
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The Antiaging Brain Booster- Centrophenoxine
3 May 2022
By James South, MA Centrophenoxine, also known as meclofenoxate, is one of the original antiaging, neuro-energizing substances and it has…
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Enhance your productivity and don’t limit yourself
26 January 2018
How productive are you, do you wish you could achieve more in your day or your life? Is life a…
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Smart drugs and nutrients: Centrophenoxine improves ‘recall speed’
29 November 2016
Centrophenoxine, (pronounced, cent-row-fen-ox-in) is a classic ‘smart drug.’ Background The term ‘smart drugs’ has become synonymous with substances that…
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Smart drugs and nutrients: Alertness and awakeness with adrafinil
28 November 2016
Strictly speaking, Adrafinil (pronounced ad-ra-fin-l) is a Eugeroic rather than a Nootropic substance. Eugeroics are wakefulness-promoting agents which are mainly…
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Smart drugs and nutrients: Piracetam, the original nootropic
26 November 2016
Smart drugs and nutrients, or to give them their correct medical terminology- nootropics, are agents that can not only improve…
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