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Antiaging & Health TopicsAntiaging ArticlesAntiaging VideosAntiviral SolutionsCan C Eye DropsCuraderm BEC5® Skin CreamHealth ConditionsHealth SupplementsHot TopicsMetforminNutritional SupplementsPain ReliefPeptide BioregulatorsSpecialist ProductsSports & Workout Supplements

Curaderm BEC5® Skin Cream

We have a huge selection of information and articles on Curaderm (BEC5®) Cream, the innovative skin cream that contains BEC5® and has shown huge success in treating sun damaged skin.

Curaderm (which is also known as “BEC cream”) is non-invasive and effective. It contains a specially purified plant extract from the Solanum Sodomaeum – Solasodine Glycosides, which is also found in aubergines / eggplants.

Topics covered include:

  • Curaderm used for age spots, crepey skin and moles
  • Where to buy Curaderm crea,
  • Reversing damage to sun damaged skin

Did you know?…

  1. Sun damage starts to occur when we are young, especially as children have more sensitive skin than adults. This is why it is so important to ensure children use a high factor sunscreen, especially in direct sunlight.
  2. Photoaging and crepey skin are both caused by sun exposure, as this impacts the production of collagen and elastin, which in turn causes wrinkles and sagging skin.

Fish polynucleotides are a hot topic in the skincare industry

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It sounds a bit fishy but it’s true, you can get more youthful-looking skin using salmon sperm injectables. Polynucleotides from…

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Skin cancer – your legs are no exception to the rule

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It’s that time of year when most people reveal their pale, pasty winter legs to the world but it’s important…

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Woman with sun in sunscreen pattern on her back

Can sun-damaged skin be reversed?

8 June 2021

Here comes the sun! It’s that time of year when sun-worshippers cook like sausages, the fair-skinned look even paler from…

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