Brain Health
Our brains are amazing; they control everything we do, and as such it’s important to look after them well. Brains, like everything else in our bodies, do change as we age, and there comes a point where the brain starts to shrink (atrophy) and lose neurons. This can cause issues such as age related cognitive decline, dementia, and aphasias.
To ensure we continue to boost brain health and keep this vital organ healthy, we have covered a range of topics including:
- The best supplements for brain health
- How fluoride may play a role in damaging the brain, and how to counteract this
- Different eugeroic drugs that play a role in boosting the brain
Did you know…
- Taking steps to boost brain health helps with a wide range of functions including cognition, emotional bonding, behaviours, and psychological states.
- When your brain is working at optimum levels, information can travel around the brain at up to an impressive 268 miles an hour.
- Research shows that the brain consists of around 86 billion neurons, which all contribute to brain clarity and functioning. As we age, or fall foul of memory related diseases such as Alzheimer’s, these neurons become damaged and no longer work properly.

Eugeroics—Viagra® for the brain?
7 December 2017
By Ward Dean, M.D. Adrafinil (Olmifon®/ Adra-Pro™), modafinil (Provigil®/ Moda-Pro™), and armodafinil (Nuvigil®) are three members of a class of…
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Rapamycin Inhibits The Effects Of Senescent Cells
22 November 2017
Rapamycin is one of the most well-known longevity drugs under study. It was originally found in 1972 in a soil…
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Science Reveals That Curcumin Removes Fluoride From the Brain
21 November 2017
Fluoride is a mineral found in our water supply in varying amounts, depending on where you live. The mineral is…
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How to Tell a Persons “Brain Age”
31 May 2017
In recent years, scientists have delved into molecular depths of the human body and discovered the bio-markers of aging, some…
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Does exercise help to improve your memory?
29 November 2016
Does exercise help to improve your memory? Research suggests that exercise can boost cognitive function. This may be because exercise…
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Smart drugs and nutrients: Centrophenoxine improves ‘recall speed’
29 November 2016
Centrophenoxine, (pronounced, cent-row-fen-ox-in) is a classic ‘smart drug.’ Background The term ‘smart drugs’ has become synonymous with substances that…
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Smart drugs and nutrients: Alertness and awakeness with adrafinil
28 November 2016
Strictly speaking, Adrafinil (pronounced ad-ra-fin-l) is a Eugeroic rather than a Nootropic substance. Eugeroics are wakefulness-promoting agents which are mainly…
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
28 November 2016
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder By Marios Kyriazis, M.D. One of the most controversial syndromes of modern times is what we…
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AMPK: a complicated metabolic signalling pathway
28 November 2016
AMPK: a complicated metabolic signalling pathway By Marios Kyriazis, M.D. Cellular homoeostasis is a crucial prerequisite for health and good…
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Smart drugs and nutrients: Piracetam, the original nootropic
26 November 2016
Smart drugs and nutrients, or to give them their correct medical terminology- nootropics, are agents that can not only improve…
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