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Dementia & Alzheimers Disease

Our latest research articles concerning Dementia and Alzheimers Disease; these cover a range of topics about these cognitive health conditions including:

  • Slowing down Dementia naturally
  • Slowing down Alzheimers Disease progression
  • Alternative treatments for dementia (all forms) and Alzheimers Disease
  • Arterial stiffness and its relation to dementia
  • Latest research and clinical trials related to these conditions

Did you know…

  1. Every 3 seconds a case of Dementia is diagnosed
  2. Problems with memory loss and cognition can affect anyone of any age, they do not just affect the elderly
  3. Research into Dementia and memory problems is critical to ensure that people living with these conditions receive the best care possible.
3 trees shaped as humans heads with the leaves gradually fading in the brain area

Deprenyl and Alzheimer’s disease—update

28 November 2016

Deprenyl and Alzheimer’s disease—update By Ward Dean, M.D. Deprenyl (aka seligiline, trade names Eldepryl®, Jumex®) was discovered in Hungary in…

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A green map targeting on a dark green spot with reoccurring white circles around it

The therapeutic effects of high-dose melatonin administration

28 November 2016

The therapeutic effects of high-dose melatonin administration By Jesus A.F. Tresguerres1, M.D, Ph.D.   This article reviews the effects of…

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A cartoon brain showing the connections made with effects

Smart drugs and nutrients: Piracetam, the original nootropic

26 November 2016

Smart drugs and nutrients, or to give them their correct medical terminology- nootropics, are agents that can not only improve…

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