Hair Growth & Hair Loss
It may “only” be hair, but many people set great store by how it adds to their visual appearance. Balding in particular is one area that causes concern, not only on how someone looks when they are bald, but the root cause / health issue that may be behind it. Aging plays a large part in why someone may start to lose their hair, and we have discussed hair growth and loss a number of times with topics including:
- Minoxidil and its relation to hair regrowth
- How Minoxidil works to stimulate hair growth by increasing blood supply to the hair follicles.
- Other ways to promote hair growth including lifestyle and diet changes.
Did you know…
- The term ‘Pogonophobia’ means the ‘love of beards’
- A study conducted by com in 2019 showed that women found men with short facial stubble most attractive, followed by clean-shaven and then long stubble third.
- Trials are ongoing as to how wrinkles and hair loss are related to aging and how this could be reversed.

Fish polynucleotides are a hot topic in the skincare industry
27 November 2024
It sounds a bit fishy but it’s true, you can get more youthful-looking skin using salmon sperm injectables. Polynucleotides from…
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Get beardiful with Minoxidil
21 August 2019
The beard is said to be the secondary sexual characteristic unique to a man, it is facial hair that develops…
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Genetic researchers reverse wrinkles, grey hair and balding in mice
28 September 2018
Researchers have rejuvenated mice by reversing age-related wrinkles and hair loss. It is possible that humans could get a similar…
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