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Your anti-ageing strategy for 2025

January 17th, 2025

Have you got an anti-ageing strategy for 2025, is your goal to live healthier and happier with a glowing complexion and a lower biological age? It sounds like hard work, but it doesn’t have to be. We are here to help motivate you to put a youthful spring in your step in 2025.


Happy New Year!

A new year brings new resolutions including, health and fitness. Sometimes, it’s hard to see the resolutions through but a poll has revealed that 20% of people stick to their resolutions for the year – be part of that 20% with your anti-ageing strategy.

One man who takes his anti-ageing mission to another level is Bryan Johnson.

Tech millionaire Bryan Johnson has spent years trying to stay looking younger. His anti-ageing strategy is extreme and intense. He spends 2 million dollars a year pursuing longevity. Bryan’s specialist treatments have included blood transfusions from his son. The science behind his strategy is explained in detail in his Netflix documentary, ‘Don’t Die, The Man Who Wants to live forever.’. You can learn a lot about the ageing journey that we all go through.


Your anti-ageing strategy for 2025

Even if you have a small income, your anti-ageing strategy should include a skincare regime, a healthy balanced diet, exercise and other aspects of self-care. Our bodies change as we age. We cannot prevent ageing, but we can slow down the ageing process and reverse some signs of ageing, even on a budget.


Your face can reveal your participation in life.

Ageing is a natural journey experienced differently from person to person. We age at a cellular level, but our eyes are masked from internal ageing, such as the changes in our organs, tissues and cells. We can see ageing in our skin – on our faces and our bodies. Your face can reveal your participation in life – too many late nights, overindulgence, inactivity or a poor diet. Or it can reflect a good night’s sleep, a beneficial skincare regime, a healthy diet, exercise and a joie de vivre – the joy of living!

If your complexion is dull, you have bags under your eyes, and fine lines are turning into wrinkles, don’t stress it. It is possible to turn things around and become a better and healthier version of yourself. Skin health is one of the main factors in ageing. It is complex and influenced by many things, such as UVAs, pollution, chemicals, diet, hormones, stress, lack of sleep, smoking, alcohol or drugs. With age, our skin wrinkles, sags, dimples, thins, looks dull, changes in pigmentation, and feels dry or rough. It can sound a bit depressing, but there’s a lot you can do about it and there’s no better time to start than a new year.


Are you ready to create an anti-ageing strategy for 2025? Let’s go!

Grab yourself a notepad, a diary, a pen, and a glass of water and let’s make an even better version of yourself this year. Firstly when did you last have your eyes, hearing and dental health checks? Is it time to make some check-up appointments?

It is advisable to seek medical advice if you have a health condition or are on specific medication before you make any big changes in your lifestyle.


Let’s put your pen to paper.

Put your pen to paper because lists and mind maps can help to declutter your thoughts. Organization and structure can reduce anxiety and stress. Write down your realistic anti-ageing goals for the year, choose a timeline and take into consideration any limitations. Will you struggle to find time to look after yourself because you are just too busy? Does your life feel out of control?

You can’t control a lot of things, but you should challenge yourself to control the way you respond to things, that’s where your power will be. You can make time for self-care, even if it’s just 20 minutes.


Do some research.

You should do research for your strategy. Education is a good foundation; knowledge is power and there will always be new anti-ageing concepts or products to learn about. Do your research and find out what works or doesn’t work for others. Learn from them and find your way. Create a self-care schedule and make adjustments when needed.


Know what is going on in your body.

It is helpful to keep a record of your health stats, including your weight and especially your blood pressure. There are a variety of gadgets to help you do that. Note any changes to your body or skin in your diary, are changes associated with your mood swings, headaches or a skin condition? Could you have a hormone imbalance? Note down what you eat and drink in a day. Any allergies or reactions to food types, is your skin improving because you are eating more healthier foods? What are those foods?


Review your progress.

It’s important to review your progress and make changes to your new lifestyle if need be. Has your fitness plateaued for example? Do you need to change your type of workout? Are you feeling worse for your changes? What is working?


What you put inside your body.

Eat a healthy nutritional diet and drink plenty of water. Allow yourself treats but don’t overindulge. If you’re a smoker, give it up. If you dabble in recreational drugs, give them up. Reduce alcohol, caffeine, sugar and salt consumption. Try to eat minimally processed foods and saturated fats.


Keep moving!

Feel the wind on your face, enjoy nature and stay active. Try to walk in unpolluted areas if possible. Exercise every day and include strengthening exercises and stretching.


Sweet dreams.

Create a calm and comfortable sleeping environment and reduce device exposure before bedtime.


Be sociable and communicate with people.

Make sure your anti-ageing strategy includes socialising. Laughing is an excellent medicine. You can try new hobbies, join clubs and spend more time with friends and family.



Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. There are many options for self-care including different therapies, relaxation, yoga, pilates, acupuncture, massage or things that you find relaxing perhaps it’s reading and listening to music.

Whether you are in your fun thirties, refreshing forties, restorative fifties or in the 60s and beyond there are many treatments you can have to make your face look more youthful.

  • Injectable fillers
  • Chemical peel
  • Laser skin resurfacing
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Botox
  • A facelift
  • Collagen induction
  • Anti-wrinkle injections
  • Botulinum toxin
  • IPL photorejuvenation
  • Focused ultrasound
  • Browlift
  • Facial
  • Nonablative skin rejuvenation
  • Focused ultrasound
  • Blepharoplasty
  • Fat transfer into the face
  • A regular skincare regime should include, exfoliating, makeup removal, cleansing, a toner, serum, moisturiser and targeted creams. There are a variety of face packs or masks for all different skin types. Under-eye patches can reduce puffiness and don’t forget to keep those lips moisturised

Frame your improved, youthful-looking skin with healthy hair. Your hairdresser will be able to advise you about hair care for your specific hair type and there is a great selection of hair products available to help moisturise and add shine to your hair.

It does sound like hard work, but it doesn’t have to be once you get that anti-ageing ball rolling and you incorporate a schedule and routine into your day.

Days off, treat days or little slip-ups now and now are normal so don’t worry.


You’ve got this!

To help with your body’s cellular regeneration and recycling process we recommend our product SpermidinePurePro. It also supports overall cognition, memory and cardiovascular health.





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