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Have scientists found the anti-ageing holy grail?

February 21st, 2025

Scientists have potentially found the anti-ageing holy grail. It has been claimed that an approved FDA anti-ageing vaccine could be available within seven years. This could mean a total wipeout of zombie cells in the body.

Many experts have revealed that a vaccine is on the horizon, including Dr Ronjon Nag. Dr Nag is an inventor, teacher, entrepreneur, and professor of genetics at the Standard School of Medicine in California. He is also a part-owner of 100 biotech companies.

Dr Nag entered a competition called the ‘Xprize’. He could be awarded 101 million dollars if he can develop a way to extend an older adult’s lifespan by 10-20 years. His entry into the competition is an anti-ageing vaccine. Dr Nag’s latest anti-ageing project is called ‘Agemica’. He hopes to use efficacy drugs and AI simulators to eliminate senescent cells, enhancing mitochondria and youthfully reprogramming cells. Dr Nag will run a library of 1500 FDA-approved drugs through AI computer technology trained to simulate cellular conditions related to age, health state and age-related diseases.

The cocktail of drugs includes senolytics that he will use to target dysfunctional cells linked to senescent cells. The senolytic drugs will target cells with a high level of GPNMB (Glycoprotein Non-Metastatic Melanoma Protein B) that are responsible for many physiological processes in the body. He predicts that participants can use his vaccine one year after production. The vaccine is intended to extend immunity, muscle and cognitive functions and promote longevity.

Israeli researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science also think they have the answer to staving off cognitive decline and a potential anti-ageing vaccine. They have developed a drug to fire up the brain, an ‘immune targeting’ drug which works by helping to stimulate or suppress the immune system.

The researchers said, “It is exciting to envision an immune-targeting approach to reduce the threat from our internal enemies that cause our decline with ageing. We believe that we are closer than ever to making these possibilities a reality.” They explained that with age, there is an imbalance of immune cells produced, and it can cause inflammation and a rise in senescent cells that linger when they should die off – also referred to as ‘zombie cells’.

The anti-ageing vaccine waiting room

Whilst we sit in the anti-ageing vaccine waiting room, which could take up to 7 years, there is a lot we can do naturally to remove zombie cells from our bodies.


Exercise eliminates zombie cells by activating the immune system, and it targets and cleans the cells out primarily through the recruitment of phagocytic cells. Cell turnover, as a result of exercise, creates a more favourable environment for cell repair.

Stress reduction

Stress reduction helps to stop cellular damage and lowers hormones such as cortisol. Managing your stress levels will reduce cellular wear and tear. This can be done by participating in physical activity, sleeping, mindfulness and a healthy diet.

Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting helps with cellular damage by triggering a process called autophagy. During the process, the body actively breaks down and recycles damaged cellular components and promotes healthy cell production.


Sleep lets the body actively repair damaged cells and DNA. Whilst sleeping there is increased cellular activity allowing repair enzymes and mechanisms to clean up the cells. Sleep helps to remove toxins and improve hormone regulation.


To help remove senescent cells, your diet should include foods that contain quercetin and fisetin, such as citrus fruits, apples, onions, cucumbers, kiwis, artichokes, sage or mangoes. We recommend our supplement DasaPro. It acts as a senolytic that can help remove senescent cells from the body.



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