Plasma swapping and longevity
January 25th, 2024It’s a curious topic – plasma swapping and longevity. It leaves you asking whether we are going too far in the race to find the fountain of youth. Could harvesting the blood of the young promote longevity?
Frankenstein-style experiments
In the 1950s, scientists began what could be perceived as Frankenstein-style experiments via a laboratory technique called parabiosis. The Greek word by definition means ‘living beside’. It’s a technique that involves the joining of two living organisms in such a way that they live as one.
In 2005, scientists from Stanford University in the US performed a parabiosis procedure on two mice. The mice were surgically cut open and sewn together – as a result, they shared the same blood system. The results of the experiment revealed signs of rejuvenation in the muscles and liver of the joined mice.
Harvesting the blood of the young
Plasma is the liquid portion of blood 55% of our blood is plasma, and 45% is red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets that are suspended in the plasma.
In 2016, research and developments led to the opening of a US-based blood transfusion company called Ambrosia. They offered pricey transfusions of blood to promote good health and longevity. Ambrosia came under fire from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for lack of proven clinical benefits, and there were potential safety concerns. Harvesting the blood of the young was not to be, and the company was closed down.
Another company called Alkahest was founded based on the Stanford rodent studies. In collaboration with the European pharmaceutical company Grifols they created a blood plasma based experimental drug which they wanted to test on people with Alzheimer’s. Alkahest hopes to be able to produce fractionated plasma treatments by 2027. Other companies around the world hope to commercialise the power of the parabiosis technique.
Drastic measures to lower a person’s biological age
A plasma-swapping concept hit the headlines again in May 2023 when an article in The Daily Mail revealed that a biohacking tech mogul was taking drastic measures to lower his biological age. The 45-year-old man had spent millions of dollars a year on medical treatments with the help and guidance from 30 doctors. The man’s goal was to return the health and performance of his brain, liver, kidneys, teeth, skin, hair, penis and rectum to that of an 18-year-old man.
His extreme and strict lifestyle regime included guidance from the experts, ongoing testing and a tailored diet, exercise and sleep routine. Electronic pulses were used on his body to improve deep muscle tone, and every night before going to bed, he blocked out any blue light from devices such as computers and mobile phones.
The man was also receiving blood transfusions at a Dallas clinic from an unknown donor, replacing old blood with new blood. He also took a mixture of supplements, used seven skin creams and restricted his calorie intake to 1977 a day. After two years, it was documented that he had lowered his biological age by five years.
Taking his mission to another level
The tech mogul decided to take his mission to another level involving his son and father in the blood transfusion procedures. Blood was taken from the son to the man and his father. However, in July, a second article in fortune.com revealed that the man concluded that he wasn’t seeing changes in his biomarkers and was no longer doing the family blood transfusions.
What the experts say
Experts have criticised the tech mogul’s lifestyle and his anxiety around mortality. In a statement from the FDA, it was made clear that the use of plasma from young donors to treat various health conditions is not classed as safe or effective. The FDA have not undertaken vigorous testing on this process to confirm safety or therapeutic effects.
Plasma transfers in humans have been used for severe infections, burns, and blood disorders but evidence has not concluded their use for anti-ageing purposes.
Pushing your body to the extremes or taking extreme measures can be detrimental to your health and in turn, speed up the ageing process. Incorporating a healthy diet, exercising, getting enough sleep, stress management and limiting your exposure to pollution and toxins is the best way to reduce the risk of premature ageing and increase longevity.
We recommend our anti-ageing supplement Aminoguanidine (AminoPro™).
Aminoguanidine may have the potential to slow down the ageing process and protect against key age-related conditions such as atherosclerotic disease (the hardening and narrowing of the arteries), by reducing bad cholesterol (or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol).
- https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12112549/Tech-mogul-spends-2-million-year-look-18-swapping-BLOOD-teen-son-father.html
- https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/feb/02/could-young-blood-stop-us-getting-old-transfusions-experiments-mice-plasma
- https://fortune.com/well/2023/07/08/bryan-johnson-plasma-exchange-results-anti-aging/
- https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12112549/Tech-mogul-spends-2-million-year-look-18-swapping-BLOOD-teen-son-father.html
- https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/feb/02/could-young-blood-stop-us-getting-old-transfusions-experiments-mice-plasma
- https://fortune.com/well/2023/07/08/bryan-johnson-plasma-exchange-results-anti-aging/