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The Rejuvenation Olympics

January 27th, 2025

The Rejuvenation Olympics is a first-of-its-kind study that has revealed, soon, on the healthcare horizon, with modern technology, new medicines, and healthy living, people could live up to 150 years old. In the UK, in 1910 the average age of death was 48 for men and 51 for women. In 2020 the average was 79 for men and 83 for women. Globally we are living longer decade by decade.


People are living longer, every country in the world is experiencing growth, and people should expect to live into their 60s and beyond.

The aged body derives from cellular and molecular damage over time. Ageing is influenced by environment, ethnicity, sex, genetics and personal character. As a person ages, there is a decrease in physical and mental capacity. With age, there is an increased risk and likelihood of developing diseases or health conditions. But still, people are living longer, every country in the world is experiencing growth, and people should expect to live into their 60s and beyond. By 2050 the proportion of 60+ year olds will nearly double, from 12-22% and the number of people expected to reach 80+ will triple.


The Rejuvenation Olympics study.

Dr Debonneuil is one of the experts working on the Rejuvenation Olympics study at the London Longevity Clinic. He is a longevity medicine expert who claims to help high-performing individuals live longer. They pay for an annual membership ranging from £5000 to £135000.

As part of the longevity treatments, patients receive holistic advice on diet, exercise and de-stress techniques like yoga and meditation. The clinic also promotes the use of rapamycin, a breakthrough drug that is said to extend a person’s lifespan by about 20%. Rapamycin is effective by tricking cells into recycling and cleaning themselves more effectively. The process may also stop the development of types of cancer. Epigenetic testing provides insights into an individual’s biological age and predisposition to certain diseases.

Some of the results of the Rejuvenation Olympics study revealed that one of the participants in his 60s had achieved a biological age of 30. Some patients halved their biological age within 2 or 3 years. Dr Debonneuil said that the results are a significant leap in human history, they now have the tools to help people age slowly.

The doctor explained, “If the current trend continues, we could see individuals living to 140 or 150 in good health. While that might sound sensational, it’s grounded in science, and the longevity field is booming because of these breakthroughs.”

Lily Li, founder and CEO of the London Longevity Clinic, said, “Longevity medicine has always been deeply compelling to me because it’s not merely about extending life – it’s about enhancing the quality of each stage of life. By blending cutting-edge medical technologies with personalised treatments, I wanted to challenge the conventional view of ageing – transforming it from something to be feared into an opportunity for growth.”

Read more about the study here.


AI is revolutionizing healthcare, speeding up drug discovery, enabling precision medicine and driving advancements in treatments.

The environment where someone lives or works can speed up the ageing process, their physical and social environment, their homes, neighbourhoods and communities. Their ethnicity, sex, genetics and personal character also play a part in the ageing process.

Ageing can cause depression, older people can feel dependent or a burden to society and experience ageist attitudes. Common ailments associated with older people include hearing loss, cataracts, fractures, and back and neck pain. Frailty, urinary incontinence, delirium and pressure ulcers. Osteoarthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes or dementia. Ageing can be cruel and a lot of people fear being ‘old’.

However, AI is revolutionizing healthcare, speeding up drug discovery, enabling precision medicine and driving advancements in treatments. Some new medicines and vaccines are better at targeting specific illnesses or conditions, and the medicines are being developed faster than ever before. The use of AI reduces the risk of errors and alleviates the strain on healthcare services, new digital tools use cutting-edge approaches with advanced sensors for protection.

Aside from AI, modern medicine and other mentioned factors, the majority of people are living longer because they are using better hygiene and living in cleaner living conditions with good sanitation and a lot of people are working in locations with improved health and safety regulations. People are now more knowledgeable about good lifestyle choices – some do something about it, some don’t.

With all that in mind, the recent news headlines about the Rejuvenation Olympics study seem plausible that people could live to the mammoth age of 150.

Are you suffering with age-related illnesses and conditions? We recommend the following products for cataract impairment, to fight fatigue, boost energy and reverse ageing. To aid with balance and hearing, memory recall and improve the musculoskeletal system.


NAD+ Nicotinamide to boost energy, fight fatigue and reverse ageing.

Can-C eyedrops to normalise cataract impairment.

VasPro (Vasopressin), is a hormone to aid memory recall.

AldoPro (Aldosterone), is a liquid that promotes and aids balance and hearing.

Cartalax normalises the function of different aspects of the musculoskeletal system.






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