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Spermidine boosts your body’s recycling centre

June 30th, 2023

Don’t panic, but you should know that one million cells in your body die every second. In 80 to 100 days, 30 trillion cells in your body will have replenished. That is the equivalent of a new you! The body replaces its cells regularly through autophagy, discarding or recycling cells. Spermidine is responsible for cell rejuvenation and supports and boosts autophagy.

The recycling of dysfunctional cells

Autophagy is a natural preservation of life. Similar to the concept of our recycling centres where we send our household rubbish. Different materials are collected and sorted. Non-recyclable parts are removed and recyclable parts are sent to manufacturers to make new products. Spermidine helps the body to dispose of dysfunctional cells (non-recyclable). It then recycles any good parts of the cells. 

We need spermidine to help rid destructive cells that can collectively induce disease. As we age, we produce less spermidine reducing the ability to discrete dysfunctional cells. 

There are over 50 known diseases that are the result of an imbalance of cell death. 


It would be understandable to think that the molecule spermidine was some kind of sperm-enriching medication. As its name suggests, spermidine was first discovered in semen in 1678 by the Dutch scientist Anton Van Leeuwenhoek, but further research revealed that the molecule is found naturally in men and women. It is a potent polyamine responsible for cellular regeneration supporting autophagy and promoting longevity with its anti-ageing properties. 


Autophagy decreases oxidative stress, improves the performance of the metabolism and increases the elimination of waste products. It decreases inflammation, supports heart health, prevents cognitive decline and helps with fertility. It can improve memory, reset circadian rhythms and encourage better sleep. 

It is a natural part of ageing for the cells in our body to become more dysfunctional. How can you slow down that process and create an environment in your body that functions like a finely tuned recycle centre?

Your diet plays a vital part in your internal recycling system. The following foods are recommended for natural spermidine production:

  • Vegetables – mushrooms, broccoli, chickpeas, cauliflower, peas, spinach, green beans and fresh green peppers
  • Fruits – mango, oranges and grapefruit
  • Soy – Japanese foods such as natto, shiitake mushrooms, amaranth grain and durian
  • Any cereals that contain wheat germ
  • Cheese – mature cheeses such as cheddar, parmesan and gruyere 
  • Nuts – hazelnuts and pistachio nuts
  • Supplements – we recommend our product SpermidinePurePro, a natural high-strength wheat germ extract. It induces autophagy and promotes longevity. :

Cooking methods affect levels of spermidine

Even though the foods listed contain high amounts of spermidine, cooking methods make a difference in their content levels. Cooking at high temperatures can destroy some of the nutrients in food, the important nutrients end up in the surrounding water or oils. It is better to cook foods at lower temperatures or eat raw fruit and vegetables. Supplements are an ideal way to make sure you are absorbing an effective amount of spermidine. 

Living a healthy lifestyle for effective spermidine production

Eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, sleeping well and making time to relax is key to living a long and healthy life. All those factors are important for cellular rejuvenation helping our bodies to age well inside and out. Spermidine can strengthen collagen, hair, and nails and balance bacteria in the body. Consuming toxins destroys cells so avoid recreational drugs, smoking and drinking too much alcohol. 

Help your body to become a highly efficient recycling centre



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