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A green plant leaf dropping oil into a brown glass bottle

The Parent Essential Oils (PEOs) supply and balance Omegas naturally

November 29th, 2016

The Parent Essential Oils (PEOs) supply and balance Omegas naturally


Most people are familiar with the benefits of omega oils for their health and in particular to reduce inflammation. Indeed cod-liver oil supplements are the world’s most popular supplement, but recently Professor Brian Peskin’s research which is all contained in his new book – the PEO solution – is causing quite a stir and may make many folks to rethink and change their stance. We fully appreciate that a change in direction/ thinking often takes time to get used to.

What are we talking about? We are referring to his discovery that the body naturally uses plant oils to make its own omega 3 and 6, thereby satisfying a precise balance according to need- providing the ‘raw materials’ are available. Professor Peskin has termed the phrase PEO as the acronym for ‘parent essential oils.’

Professor Peskin states openly that he has found this information hidden in the scientific literature and never once found it referred to in the medical literature. Why does it matter? Because as he says, it means that physicians are unaware of these facts and therefore they continue to advocate super-physiological doses of omegas from fish oil, which may be actually doing more harm than good!

It’s a lot to swallow, (no pun intended) and we can’t do his research justice on a single page, which is why we recommend his book, or take a look at the Aging Matters™ magazine No1, 2015 in which Professor Peskin’s article is the lead story. But right now, let’s highlight some of the advantages of the PEO source for omega 3 and 6:

  • The plant oils live in our environment, (typically around 50-60°F); hence they do not go rancid at room temperature. Cold water fish live in a cold environment (typically around 30-40°F), therefore PEOs represent a much more stable product being unlikely to ‘go off’ and become rancid and hence pro-inflammatory.
  • The PEOs are obviously a non-animal source and therefore can be considered more suitable for those wanting to avoid animal sourced/ based products.
  • The PEOs represent a sustainable source, since there is already too much ‘pressure’ on the seas to provide both fish and even krill stocks.
  • The PEOs enable the body to produce its own internal essential fatty acids (EFAs) and correct its own balance. This has not been shown to be the case with fish oil supplements.


Why not fish oil?

But could there be harm in using fish oils? Professor Peskin maintains that the super-high doses they provide are extreme when compared to those manufactured within the body. Furthermore, even the omega 3 to omega 6 balance they provide could be wrong and that the body may actually require more omega 6 than is currently being advocated today. Did you know that when a bear eats a fish he throws away the body? Could it be that the bear wants the omega 6 provided by the fish brain and not the omega 3 that is within its body? (The fish uses omega 3 as an anti-freeze due to its cold water environment).



IAS is an organisation that has always been committed to being ‘on the cutting-edge.’ It may remain controversial, however we have taken the decision to remove fish and krill based oils from our range and replace them with PEOs that are contained in PEO-Pro™.

The PEO-Pro™ supplement contains organically produced, cold-pressed seed oils, these include high linoleic safflower oil, sunflower oil, evening primrose oil and flax oil, all in the proportions derived from Professor Peskin’s research- to supply the body with the ‘raw materials’ to produce essential fatty acids.

Maintenance doses are 1 or 2 capsules daily; for those with greater need, 1 capsule per 40 lbs (18 Kg) bodyweight per day may be more suitable.

For more information on PEO follow this link here:


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