Declaration: IAS Aging Matters Magazine is intended for IAS private members (and therefore is not intended for the public). It focuses on the latest international nutritional, hormonal and drug therapies to help combat the signs of aging. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you have read and agreed to the full declaration.

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3 Youth Gems products

New Youth Gems Range Brings Peptide Technology to Skin Care

November 26th, 2016

New Youth Gems Range Brings Peptide Technology to Skin Care

Some of the first and often most distressing signs of aging are seen in the changes to our skin. We have all experienced the increasing dryness, fine lines, deep wrinkles and skin discoloration as we age. That’s why the team behind the groundbreaking peptide bioregulators have applied their technology and expertise to a brand new range of skin care products released this month:

  • BodyMilk is designed to help fight against the effects of losing skin elasticity
  • DayCream provides resilience again improving blood supply
  • Serum is helpful with plumping up problem areas giving a more youthful appearance
  • Tonic designed to help any area become firmer, helping prevent irregularities such as acne.

All of the skin creams contain four key peptides, which are the cartilage, blood vessels, thymus and pineal gland. Individually they each strengthen elastic skin fibers, restores skin microcirculation, speed up restoration processes, and accelerates renewal of cell tissues.

Learn how the brand new Youth Gems range can help you combat the physical signs of aging at


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